Our Process

Partnering with us involves a comprehensive six-step process. We are committed to making your experience engaging and will support you at every stage to ensure your vision, timeline, and budget are achieved.

Initially we will meet with you either in person, via teams or over the phone to discuss the general nature of your site and project, and what services we offer.

You may then choose to engage us for Full
or Partial Services. Below we have outlined the Full-Service process. We break our process into 6 formal stages. At each stage we get your sign off to proceed to the next.

We include 2 formal design
stages, and these are broken into various sub-stages ensuring each layer of the design is given adequate consideration and attention to detail. At any stage you may chose not to proceed to the next, if say your circumstances change. The Client Architect Agreement is a flexible framework that facilitates you to ‘opt in or out’ or ‘pause and re-start’ the service on a ‘stage by stage’ basis.

1. Concept Design
2. Design Development
3. Town Planning
4. Construction Documentation
5. Contractor Selection
6. Contract Administration

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